
Last activity: 23 Jul 2022 13:41 EDT
Run Time Exception on sendEmailNotification OOTB Activity
I am getting RUN Time Exception error while executing flow to send email notification using sendemailnotification OOTB activity.
In OOTB activity JAVA code we have below try block
there below step is giving conversion error
java.util.Map<String, ClipboardPage> result = svcUtilsPriv.convertNotificationParamsForSend(tools, pp);
Displayed pp page value it is as like this :
{CorrName=FirstTaskAssignmentToTeam; AttachCasePage=TaskTopLevelCasePg; Message=; smtpPort=25; SignatureKeyStorePassword=; AttachmentPage=AttachmentPage; pyNotifyAccountName=CBAGRP-CBA-FIRSTPOINT-WORK-TASK; ReplyTo=; EmailIDList=; SignatureKeyStore=; To= Proprietary information hidden; UserFullName=Firstpoint; Password=; CC= Proprietary information hidden; ReferenceKey=CBAGRP-CBA-FIRSTPOINT-WORK-TASK T-2924C; AccountID=; CCUserID= Proprietary information hidden; ToUserID= Proprietary information hidden; UseSSL=false; FromUsername=; From= Proprietary information hidden; pyTempPlaceHolder=TempPlaceHolder; Subject=Firstpoint Task on Case CF-7008031C has been Assigned to your team; EmailAddress= Proprietary information hidden; pxObjClass=;; KeystoreAlias=; HTMLmessage=true; KeystoreInstance=}
Please let me know what is the reason for getting the conversion error ??
I am getting RUN Time Exception error while executing flow to send email notification using sendemailnotification OOTB activity.
In OOTB activity JAVA code we have below try block
there below step is giving conversion error
java.util.Map<String, ClipboardPage> result = svcUtilsPriv.convertNotificationParamsForSend(tools, pp);
Displayed pp page value it is as like this :
{CorrName=FirstTaskAssignmentToTeam; AttachCasePage=TaskTopLevelCasePg; Message=; smtpPort=25; SignatureKeyStorePassword=; AttachmentPage=AttachmentPage; pyNotifyAccountName=CBAGRP-CBA-FIRSTPOINT-WORK-TASK; ReplyTo=; EmailIDList=; SignatureKeyStore=; To= Proprietary information hidden; UserFullName=Firstpoint; Password=; CC= Proprietary information hidden; ReferenceKey=CBAGRP-CBA-FIRSTPOINT-WORK-TASK T-2924C; AccountID=; CCUserID= Proprietary information hidden; ToUserID= Proprietary information hidden; UseSSL=false; FromUsername=; From= Proprietary information hidden; pyTempPlaceHolder=TempPlaceHolder; Subject=Firstpoint Task on Case CF-7008031C has been Assigned to your team; EmailAddress= Proprietary information hidden; pxObjClass=;; KeystoreAlias=; HTMLmessage=true; KeystoreInstance=}
Please let me know what is the reason for getting the conversion error ??
try { // use parameter page version of convert! java.util.Map<String, ClipboardPage> result = svcUtilsPriv.convertNotificationParamsForSend(tools, pp); ClipboardPage emailMessage = result.get(com.pega.pegarules.priv.util.ServiceUtilsPriv.EmailKey.EMAIL_MESSAGE);
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