
Booz Allen Hamilton
Last activity: 2 Jul 2018 16:40 EDT
Routing a screen flow in middle of the assignments
We have a flow with a Routing to WB and a screenflow (with 3 assignments) following it. A user1 has picked the WO from the WB and the assignment moves to user1's WL. Now the WO has to be moved back to the WB and it has to be picked by another User2. The Screenflow has a routing to the Operator as parameter.
Options tried:
1. Transferring the WO to the WB and when the user2 picks the WO, on click of the Next button, moves the assignment to the user1 always.
2. Transferring the WO to the user2 WL. User2 works on the first form and on click of the NExt button, moves the assignment back to the user1 always
There is a screenflow parallel to the original flow and it has a Ticket to Reassign. But when traced, there is no information of the ticket and how it is routed to the initial user.
Please can anyone help one this.
Thank you
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Accepted Solution

Booz Allen Hamilton
This issue was fixed by creating an activity and inputted the new user information and call Obj-Set-Tickets restarted the screen flow.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nalin,
Please share the screen shots for better understanding.
Thank you.

Booz Allen Hamilton
I have attached the flow diagram. When User1 picks the WO from the flow for the first time, it takes the normal connector and as per routing specified it is assigned to the User WorkList and saves the userid . When in the middle of the screen if it is required to be routed to a different user2, the ticket (Reassign) in the screenflow 2 kicks in. If we try to route back to the WB, I moves. And user2 tries to pick the WO, the screen appears. On click of Previous or Next, it is routed back to the user1 WL. The behavior of the ticket is not seen in the tracer.
Observation in the tracer was: When the WO is picked and Next is clicked by the user2, the newAssignPage is removed and the next Flow Action is picked and looks for the default user and newAssign Page is created and the default user is assigned. Not able to get more information on the ticket. But the message in the Audit is "Assignment to { } removed via ticket"

Pegasystems Inc.
Screen flows are designed to be processed by one user so the routing is configured on the start shape of the screen flow. Each step in the screen flow would use that routing.
Dileep Kumar Ravuri

Booz Allen Hamilton

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you use pyTransferAssignment?

Booz Allen Hamilton
Yes, tried using it. It gets transferred. Later on like of NEXT, it goes back to the original user, which is not the expected.

Pegasystems Inc.
You could try the solution mentioned in the last comment on this post:

Booz Allen Hamilton
Tried the Reassign to WL. It gets reassigned but on click of next or previous, gets routed back to the initial user. No able to locate the pxFlow - pyFlowParameters - DefaultAssignTo to make the changes.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you saying the 1st user reassigns the item fine, but instead of getting a confirm harness, they are still sitting on the screen flow with next/previous buttons, which they click and then get the assignment back? Because in that use case, I would expect that to happen (and the fix is to get them onto a different harness after reassigning the work). If you're suggesting a 2nd user comes along and when they click next/previous, the item is routed to the 1st user, then that would be unexpected. I would want to trace the issue to understand what values are being evaluated under the covers that result in the 1st operator even being remembered, and I'd update them when the 2nd user first picks up the case.
Accepted Solution

Booz Allen Hamilton
This issue was fixed by creating an activity and inputted the new user information and call Obj-Set-Tickets restarted the screen flow.
Anubhav Mishra Guangri Liang Saptarshi Biswas