GE Healthcare
Last activity: 18 Jun 2017 13:31 EDT
Report results in standart Report Browser are not fully shown
Steps for reproduce:
1. Create Report Definition with a chart
2. Create Shortcut for this report
3. Open report in stardart Report window in a portal
4. At Скриншот 2017-06-05 14.14.26.png you may see that results are not fully shown in window and have a scroll. If we find HTML code, at Скриншот 2017-06-05 14.17.40.png you may see that it has hardcoded HEIGHT: 19px.
This problem is actual on all screen resolutions, but hardcoded HEIGHT value changes. Override this style in css in skin can't help. Also, I tried override it in WebWB reports_core.css and in webwb workform_pyReportingSkin.css, but it can't help me too.
How to solve this problem?
Pega 7.1.9 version
Browsers: Chrome last version, IE last version