AI4 Process
Last activity: 23 May 2020 13:54 EDT
Report in Report Browser
Hi Team,
I have a case with multiple work parties like maker, checker and Relporting Manger (RM) who work on assignments configured ToWorkParty. I need to display the actual users who worked on the assignments on the report and display in Report Browser.
As we have enabled pxTrackStatuses Declare trigger I could find who worked on assignment based on the assignment.
Now for Each case I could see multiple records entries, So When I join It is giving multiple records and displaying on the report.
But my requirement is, I need to display one Work object at once and Workparties worked on the assignements.
id maker name checkername RMname case created date
C-1 Kiran Supervisor1 RM1 20191110 ...
Tried these approaches
I have written a control on the pzInsKey column which takes this parameter and fetches the user data based on the status of the assignement. But it is not working.
Approach 2:
1. Tried to display the custom section for the report. Created a grid of type (Index-TrackStatus) sourced with Data page by passing pzInsKey Of the current row. But this data page is fetching again work object information instead of Index-TrackStatus.
why it is taking the work object context? Have you ever faced this issue?