
Vodafone UK Ltd
Vodafone UK Ltd
Vodafone UK Ltd
Posted: Jan 16, 2020
Last activity: Jan 24, 2020
Last activity: 24 Jan 2020 16:57 EST
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I have created a test pipeline and would like to delete the pipeline. I don't see any option in the UI to remove already created pipelines. Could you please help?
Please follow the instructions here :
Hope that helps
Thanks for the document. However, I am not seeing an option to delete as mentioned in the article. I have tried logged in as DMReleaseAdmin and DMAppAdmin.Is there a specific access group required to see this option?
For others who might be reading this, I'll describe the 4.x behavior:
So, if it is not there, it suggests that you don't have authorization. Have a look at Users > People and see what role you have. Then go to Users > Roles and privileges and click on "View all" for the role you have. For the Pipeline column, you should see Create, Edit, Delete
Also, as a person with zoom turned on an OS level, I see a left-right scrollbar. You might need to scroll to the right to see the trash can depending upon your monitor, etc.
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