Bank of Montreal
Last activity: 26 Jan 2022 16:53 EST
Deployment Manager PipeLine fails
We are deploying code from Deployment Manager to SIT environment and then to Prod.
I have created the Pipeline by selecting-
1. Application to be deployed
2. Its version
3. Access Group
4. Product Rule Name and its version
I ran the diagnostics and the connection is successful. When i have initiated the deployment. DM connected to dev successfully and generated the artifacts but the pipeline failes while deploying the code in SIT environment with below errors-
ERROR Failed to switch to access group. Hence, not able to complete the task. 2021-05-22 08:33:02,074 [PegaRULES-Batch-69] [com.pega.pegarules.session.internal.authorization.SessionAuthorization] ERROR Not adding Access Group "SD:Admin" to runtime profile for DMAppAdmin
The access group which we need to define while configuring pipe line-Pega says this access group should exist in all cancidate environment. Point here is this is our First application deployment and in SIT env there no application code existing hence the accessgroup will not exist in SIT and neither Application mapped to That accessgroup exist.
Can you please help here to solve how we can deploy the first code move which includes class structure and whole application instance through Deployment Manager.