Last activity: 23 Nov 2021 11:05 EST
Unable to configure pipeline in Deployment Manager 5.4
While configuring the deployment manager pipeline, we are getting the below error on the page:--
There is an error fetching details from Deployment Manager services https://XXXXXX/prweb and Deployment Manager Studio will not function as expected. Please verify the configuration of the Orchestrator URL and authentication profiles configured. Error: Caught Exception while creating OAuth2 client
Deployment manager version: 5.4
Orchestrator version: v8.6.2
Candidate version: v8.6.1
I have set up the Orchestrator as mentioned in the installation guide here - which include:--
1) Generated client secrets and updated authentication profile
2) DMStudiouser and DMAgentUser Auth profiles are configured with the correct access and revoke token endpoints
3) Uploaded proper Keystore in DMKeystore rule
4) Password and Alias for Keystore are correct in DeploymentManagerClientJWTProfile token profile security section
A similar issue was also reported in another community post - and I can't see any proper outcome.
Can someone please advise?
***Edited by Moderator: Pooja Gadige to add capability tag***