
TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 16 Jan 2018 7:32 EST
Read only condition not working after upgrade to pega 7.2.2
We have upgraded from pega 7.1.8 and CS 7.1.4 to Pega 7.2.2 and CRMI 7.2.2
After upgrade read only conditions are not working.we are getting blank fields in screen.Please find attached screen shot.
This issue is present for all the fields if they have read only condition.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Srinivas,
Thanks for posting queries in PSC.
Can you try re-saving that section which contains read-only property and check whether its displaying or not?

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Durga,
We have tried this, but did not work.

JPMorgan Chase & Company
Please revalidate the application to resolve the issue.

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Sudhakar,
We have saved application rule and other referencing rules also.still it did not work.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivas,
Kindly try below approach to test the read only functionality:
1. Select constant in Read-only value option,
2. Provide some value that should be printed on screen. refer the image.
If this also doesn't work than try tracing the use case to check for errors.
Hope this helps!

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Gurpreet,
I have tried this and constant value printed on screen.Could you please suggest next steps.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinivas,
As Constant value is printed that negate the non-working of read-only. Kindly check the clipboard for the values of properties associated to the read-only value option.
Kindly share the tracer of the use case.

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Gurpreet,
Is it possible to have a screen share session?

EPAM Systems, Inc.
You need to revalidate and save the application rule rather just saving.
Could you use browser debugger tool(F12) and inspect the div structure, verify if it has the dom element created for this property?
I have tried replicating your scenario in Pega 7.3.1(though the reported issue could occur due to other condition) and was getting result as expecting, When rule was able to modify the presentation of property on UI layer.
This leads me to doubt regarding your when rule condition.
For verification, could you follow steps:
1. Navigate, Designer Studio->User Interface->Gallery->UI Elements->Text Input(Landing Page) (Landing Page menu may differ in older version, just navigate to UI Gallery in that case)
2. Open "pxUIGalleryTextInputRead" section rule and modify the last text input field in the section.
3. Configure an OOTB "When" rule, "Never" or "Always" and verify if it appears on the screen or not? Share the result.
Hope it helps you in isolating the root cause of the reported issue at your end. Kindly notify.
Rohit Ramaswamy

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
Hi Asif,
I have tried the above and working fine in Designer Studio>UI gallery.i have modified read only when condition to "Always" for Auto complete field and it displayed as read only in Designer Studio>UI gallery.
But read only condition is not working in our application screen.There is no issue with my read only when condition is also.