Last activity: 10 Aug 2018 6:05 EDT
pxAssignedUserName of Assign-Workliist not in sync with pyAssignedToOperator of pyWorkPage after GetNextWork
I use getNextWork button to pull the WO from a WorkBasket. The work is correctly getting assigned to user's worklist. But We have a section (from OOB RevisionManager) where WO(WorkObject) is listed and this section uses pyAssignedToOperator pyWorkPage property. As pxAssignedUserName and pyAssignedToOperator are not in sync , the UI section gives an impression that the WO(WorkObject) is still in WB(Workbasket) , despite it is moved to user's WL(WorkList).
Is this an expected situation ? Any help to fix this will be highly appreciated ?
Pega 7.2.2
FrameWork - Pega Marketing
Portal - Revision Manager
Cheers & Regards,
Mike Miracle