
DKB Codefactory
DKB Codefactory
DKB Codefactory
Posted: Oct 23, 2023
Last activity: Nov 1, 2023
Last activity: 1 Nov 2023 6:13 EDT
Propergate data from several single pages in child cases to one page list in parent case
we have the following situation in the case architecture:
- In the parent case there is a page list with n elements
- then child cases will be created for each element from the page lilst in parent case
- after all elemts are processed on child case level the case returns to parent case
so far so good - here is the requirement/ question I don't know how to achieve
- I need to read certain data that have been created in the child cases.
- Since the elemts in child cases are handeld as single pages (one single page in child case for each element of the page list from parent) I would need to iterate over all created child cases to propergate certain data back to e.g. the page list of the parent case
- Please help me out with some ideas how to achive this - thx in advance
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change Type from Discussion to Question***