Last activity: 14 Aug 2017 6:53 EDT
Performance issue while triggering Pega Marketing Real time Events
I have one question to be checked w.r.t one of the performance issue we have (not an issue, but less performant). Following is the scenario where we have the issue.
In our project, we trigger communications and we do that through PEGA marketing. So, the flow is as below.
- We have a service exposed from PEGA, to which we receive the data to be processed to trigger communications.
- We process the data and trigger PEGA Marketing through RealTimeEvent (using PEGA OOTB activity) – When we trigger this activity, it will create queue item for ProcessEventRun activity and end of this activity will trigger realtimevent and campaign.
- Once we trigger realtimeevent, respective campaign will save the records into DB using DBOutputtemplate (First it goes to MKT_OUTBOUND_STAGING table and from there to our external table in batch for every 9sec).
In step (2) when we trigger realtimeevent that creates a queue item to agent, 5000 queue items were created in less than 2 min. However, the queue items processing time is really slow. We tried to increase the no.of agents to 10 but not much improvement observed.
Any suggestions from experience?
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