
Coforge DPA UK Ltd.
Last activity: 11 Jul 2017 5:35 EDT
Pega Multi channel outbound campaign tracing/debugging
I want to know all the components (activities,data flows, data sets,segments, filter criteria etc.) that are used in a Multi channel outbound campaign. how can I trace all these components and the flow of the campaign. From one of our support forum member suggested me to trace PrgoramRun agent and could understand few details from that.
In DesginerStudio -> Decisioning ->Decisions -> Dataflows, There is a data flow running while I start the campaign. Here I could see the time of run and some other details along with the campaign progress. How can I use this Data flow to understand my campaign. Only unsuccessful/incomplete campaign related Data flows are placing here. What is the Data flow showing here?
Durgarao J.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***