
Last activity: 26 Jan 2022 8:13 EST
Pega email BOT Not scanning entire email
Hi all,
We are facing an issue after configuring a pega email channel. (Pega platform 8.1.4 , Pega customer Service - 8.1) We have configured the necessary text analysis rules for topic detection, entity extraction etc. and all of those working fine.
But below to issues are observed :
a. Not entire email body is being scanned for information, only the first email text in a trail email is being searched for information. The requirement here is to search for entire email body.
b. also we have configured in the email channel to enable training data but we don't see any training data on email channel -> training data tab after triage cases are resolved.
These issues are being observed in dev environment, we are yet to dpeloy this to higher envs.
Any help on these issues will be highly appreciated.