
Accenture GmbH
Last activity: 17 Apr 2018 11:29 EDT
Pega CTI Integration
In Pega 7.3 CTI - IVR Integration with Avaya , When customer enters IVR Information and choose an Option to talk to CSR. The call is placed in Queue and my requirement is :
During this time prefetch should happen in pega , which reads the IVR Information and performs prefetch of customer data.
As per my understanding the following steps happen :
1. CTI link is established with Avaya in Pega.
2.When customer is in Queue , CallCtlConnAlertingEv Java Service is triggered. The activity in this Service identifies the Incoming UUI data (customer ID, Call ID etc. coming from Avaya AES) and creates the pega call clipboard structure.
3. During Alerting Event (Before call is picked ) I have to perform a prefetch of customer data , There is an OOTB prefetch activity defined to handle this.
Issue here is , As defined in step 2 if there is no UUI data coming from Avaya AES , Is there a way to perform prefetch in this case by exposing a Soap Service in pega which recieves the UUI data and later synch with the call. Is it recommended or possible ?
Many Thanks !!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to move from Applications to Product Support Community***