
Last activity: 1 Mar 2017 11:23 EST
Offer Creation Error In Pega Marketing
I have created a new Application using Marketing Framework. Created New issue and Group adhering to the Hierarchy.
Now when i try to create a New Offer i am getting an Error. I don't what the error is and this is the First time i am seeing this error.
Any Insight and brief info about the error i am facing would be Great.
I am adding the Error Screen Shot too.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes your understanding is correct. Looks like the NBAA Samples Jar has been imported in your environment which also ships this class in PegaNBAM-Artifacts ruleset. If this is for a Customer implementation then we should not import the samples. I would recommend that you delete the PegaNBAM-Artifacts ruleset from your system.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please try tracing the event and share the observation.
Also, have you recently made any changes ( both in application and in environment ) post which you are facing this issue ?

Thanks for responding!
I believe that a class will get created under Offer class with the Issue and Group inside it while creating an offer.
While tracing I feel like that Issue class is not getting created
(Rule-Obj-Class)Class.Validate-UnknownParent PegaMKT-Work-Offer-Sales
Not able to get why it’s not getting created.
Coming to your second point this is the first time we are doing sanity testing in our environment after PegaMarketing installation.
We are able to create Issues/Groups from proposition management page and while creating the offer under the selected Sales and Group we are getting the error.
Just wanted to highlight you the application stack we created, please share you suggestions on this if needed.
Top we have the Implementation layer below which we have another Framework layer for other future applications to reuse the Marketing feature. This reusable framework is built on PegaMarketingFS_FW application along with our clients existing application which is again built on CustomerServiceForFS
- Sarath

Any one ?? Any idea ??

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sarath,
At a first glance, suspect some of the configurations might be missing while setting-up your custom application on top of PMFS.
Can you please verify if the following has been taken care in your custom application which is built on PMFS:
Extending and updating customer page properties
You must create customer page property rules for your extended customer class because these properties represent instances of customers and are used in offers. These two classes contain customer page properties that represent customer instances in offers and microsites: PegaMKT- Work-Offer and PegaMKT-Work-Microsite. Base versions of these properties are included in the product and reference the base customer class (PegaFS-Data-Party-Marketing).
Hi Sarath,
At a first glance, suspect some of the configurations might be missing while setting-up your custom application on top of PMFS.
Can you please verify if the following has been taken care in your custom application which is built on PMFS:
Extending and updating customer page properties
You must create customer page property rules for your extended customer class because these properties represent instances of customers and are used in offers. These two classes contain customer page properties that represent customer instances in offers and microsites: PegaMKT- Work-Offer and PegaMKT-Work-Microsite. Base versions of these properties are included in the product and reference the base customer class (PegaFS-Data-Party-Marketing).
- In the Explorer panel, click App.
- Search for the PegaMKT-Work-Offer class.
- Expand Data Model and Property, and then click the Customer property.
- Click Save as.
- In the Add to ruleset list, select the Rules ruleset that you configured in Configuring the Rules ruleset.
- Click Create and open.
- In the Property type section, in the Page definition field, enter the extended customer class that you configured in Creating your customer class.
- Click Save.
Repeat these steps for the PegaMKT-Work-Microsite class (If you are making use of Microsite)

Hi Santosh,
Thanks again. Will try from my end and will update

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega Marketing and Pega 7 platform are you using?
Was the NBAA Samples RAP imported on this instance?
Please try to search for a class PegaMKT-Work-Offer-Sales and see if it exists and if yes in which ruleset.

Both Version we are running on is 7.21.
There is no class exists. The class will only get created when we create the offer.
So there is not class there in PegaMKT-Work-Offer-Sales.

Any input from anyone ??

Pegasystems Inc.
Sorry for the slow reply, I have reached out to Raghu asking for additional assistance.

Pegasystems Inc.
Looking at the error message I am able to deduce that it is not able to find the PegaMKT-Work-Offer-Sales class. I have seen this happen when the class exists in the system but is in a different ruleset and is not part of the application stack. Hence I have asked to confirm if the class really exists.
From the screenshot I see that we are using Pega Marketing for Financial Service (PMFS) and I have confirmed that the PegaMKT-Work-Offer-Sales is shipped as part of the PegaMarketingFS-Artifacts ruleset in PMFS.(please see the below screenshot)
Can you please confirm if you have the the PegaMarketingFS-Artifacts ruleset as part of your application stack. If not then please review your application and include the ruleset to resolve theissue. Kindly check and confirm.

We found that error is cause when we try to use the Existing issues like Sales, Retention are in different ruleset.
When we try creating offer for New issue and group it was working fine.
Then we found that Issues Sales, Retention are built on PegaNBAM-Artifacts, when we add that rule set we didn't get any error. But a Application must have only one Artifacts Rule Set. So we removed the PegaNBAM-Artifacts Ruleset .
If my understanding is wrong please do post you points.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes your understanding is correct. Looks like the NBAA Samples Jar has been imported in your environment which also ships this class in PegaNBAM-Artifacts ruleset. If this is for a Customer implementation then we should not import the samples. I would recommend that you delete the PegaNBAM-Artifacts ruleset from your system.

Thanks for the help ..
Appreciate it .