
Last activity: 18 Aug 2017 11:01 EDT
Not to resolve Parent Case automaticaly when all child cases/subcasses are resolved
It will be great if People can give me your advice on this.
we have a requirement to not resolve parent case when all child cases are resolved. Parent case resolve operation is a manual activity or certain specific condition parent case will be resolved along with all sub cases.
Parent Case(R-)
child case/sub case(TL-/RA-/MS-/Task-) user can create the child case any time till the parent case not resolved.
currently what we are doing based on some external event we are opening the sub case(MS-) then calling the pxforcecaseclose activity by passing the close all subcase parameter to true.
Currently we are facing one issue
Parent case(R-111)
sub case(TL-10)
if we call pxforcecaseclose activity then its closing the sub case along with updated status. Inside the pxforcecaseclose activity it is calling updatestatus activity which is call AllCoveredResolved when to check all subcases resolved or not for this situation it is closing the parent case as well we don't want that.