
Need Expand All / Collapse All feature in accordion
We have a specific business need where customer wants Expand All / Collapse All feature in an accordion. The accordion contains two more layers of data (Page List using repeating dynamic layout). So, essentially we need to show three layers of data in the accordion. In some scenarios, users want to see all content at once and thereby the need for Expand All / Collapse All arises. We noticed some non standard PEGA approaches using Javascripts from PEGA forums. We tried some approaches but since those are not standard approach they created some unwanted behaviors/issues. Thereby we need the following two features from PEGA for accordion to meet our business need: 01. Expand All / Collapse All
02.Ability to close/open a specific accordion programatically. For example, initially PEGA expands the first accordion. We need a way to stop that behavior. Our PEGA version : 8.6.2 Design System : PEGA UI Kit Please provide us the solution as soon as possible.