Expand and Collapse Icon Not Visible In Pega 8
After Migrating the application from 7.3 to 8.1, the expand and collapse icon is not visible for collapsible layout.
In the skin, I have tried updating the icon image but still it didn't work. There is an additional css used as well which contains lines like this
".layout-outline>.Collapsed>.header-bar>*>.icon-openclose {
background-image: url('webwb/h1collapsed_theme_white.gif') !important;
width: 20px;"
but I don't think these have any impact on the visibility issue.
I found few articles regarding the same issue in Pega 7 where they have asked to make some changes in py-icons css file but I couldn't find any file with this name in Pega 8.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***