
Last activity: 13 May 2019 6:56 EDT
Conditionally Expand/collapse a section
Hi, I have a checkbox, now on check of it i have to expand a layout, uncheck of that checkbox i have to collapse the layout. Note: both the layouts are present in the same section. I have tried with two approaches : Firstly have used Expand/collapse action set of on change of that checkbox, which was expanding/collapsing all the layouts which are presents in the screen which is not my requirement. Secondly based on the property value used Expand when of that particular layout, now the problem is it is getting expanded on check of that checkbox but not collapsing on uncheck of that checkbox. On change of the checkbox used Refresh the section option. Please let me know if any solutions available other than touching the .js file.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****