
Last activity: 7 Apr 2017 7:02 EDT
Moving a Sub-Case Type to a different Case Type
Hello Guys,
I have a case type having ID= "X" that is linked to a sub-case type having ID="Y" and I want to move "Y" to a different case-type with ID= "Z"
Is it possible to do that?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
We created pxMove API activity for the same purpose.
This activity takes the all the necessary parameters for the above use case.
I would suggest not using any internal activities like RemoveFromCover since they can be deprecated/change any time.
Let us know if you need any help related to pxMove API.

Does anyone have an idea regarding above?
Updated: 22 Apr 2016 2:44 EDT

Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Hi Rosy,
If I understand your requirement correctly,I think it can be done. I couldn't see any issues on why it should not.
why can't you get the properties from ID="Y" and set the properties for ID="Z" which is of different case type and do an Obj-Delete of ID=Y or if you need to maintain the old record ID=Y, just change the status of the ID="Y" to any resolved- statuses.
Let me know if you see any issues here or if you need more details.
I have not done it practically. But I can do a POC on PE and let you know the results.

Thx a lot Srividya!
This helped me a lot. I'm constructing my data model for the moment and I do not need to do that right now. If I will face any issue in the future, I will ping u for sure
Thanks a lot,

American Express
Hi Rosy,
If you want the case to be move from one parent case to other parent case you can use removefromcover then followed with addtocover API activity. Additionally you need to update case designer so that case type Z can contain case type of Y.

Thanks a lot ANAND... This helped me a lot, I will go over those activities and try them...
Many Thanks,
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
We created pxMove API activity for the same purpose.
This activity takes the all the necessary parameters for the above use case.
I would suggest not using any internal activities like RemoveFromCover since they can be deprecated/change any time.
Let us know if you need any help related to pxMove API.
Ankuj Jhalani

Thanks a lot Pankaj! I will try that in my implementation later on and get back to u with the results!!
Thanks again and have a nice week-end!