Last activity: 2 Oct 2017 10:43 EDT
Mismatch in chart after changing DB
Our app worked on Postgre and we had function alias which was recalculating pyResolved, no matter in which TimeZone you are. It was:
' TO_CHAR(DATE_TRUNC('day', {1}::TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'GMT' AT TIME ZONE '<p:reference name="pxRequestor.pyUseTimeZone" mode="text"/>'), 'YYYYMMDD') '
Now we are using Oracle and we had to change expression a little bit, so now it's
' TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP({1}) AT TIME ZONE '<p:reference name="pxRequestor.pyUseTimeZone"/>','YYYYMMDD') '
Unfortunatly, now chart behaves properly only when user have set his pyUseTimeZone to America/Chicago. On every other TimeZone there is one day mismatch between chart and report. (There was no mismatch, no matter what time zone we are using, when we were on Postgre)
Is that Pega problem, or our new expression is build in wrong way? Any ideas?
Thanks for responses!