
Nearshore FPT Japan
Last activity: 5 Jun 2024 11:44 EDT
Launch a Harness via Link
I have a requirement that when I click a link from a website, it will be directed to a harness of Pega (about harness target: it's a Review Harness with a list of cases)
I am using URL mappings to generate direct-link.
1. URL Mappings >> pyDefaults
** build resource path
(1) Map path elements for URL generation -> uncheck
(2) path element type : constant; value : listcases
(3) path element type : parameter; value : {param1}
** Activity mapping
(1) Class : ....-Data-Portal
(2) Activity : OpenListCases(Group_id)
(3) Parameter: Group_id; Value: {param1}
(4) Parameter: HarnessPurpose ; Value: Review
2. Configure the support Activity
Call Show-Harness
What should I do fix to launch the Harness through a URL which defined in URL Mappings?
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Pegasystems Inc.
@Tien Dao - Please go through below link for case launch.
Hope this helps!
Thank you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Launching a specific harness with full portal using URL mapping can be achieved by calling the pxOpenWorkItemNewTab activity from your custom activity and we need to pass the parameters as per the article:
Also, we need to add additional params like below:
Param.insHandle:- ""
param.PortalName:- "<YourPortalName>"
Param.actionName:- showHarness
Param.ruleName:- "<YourHarnessName>"
Param.tabName:- <YourTabname>
Param.className:- <ClassName>
Param.preDataTransform:- "<add preDT>"

Nearshore FPT Japan
Thanks for your support.
But I mean like the following.
Is it possible to click a link from an app other than PEGA (Examples: on mail link) and go directly to the target screen (screen is not Work Object such as search screen)? I want to be able to set the initial display of the target screen, it is also necessary to specify the Activity and Activity parameters.

Pegasystems Inc.
yes, using URL mapping you can open the target screen from a different app.
For the initial display of the target screen, if it is necessary to specify an activity then probably you can call the activity from a preDT as well.
Updated: 21 May 2024 4:11 EDT

Nearshore FPT Japan
Thank you very much for your kind support in advance.
I developed it according to the instructions. I am also attaching a file in which I write what I developed. In the below, I re-write what I need to develop. (You can refer to the details in Sheet "Flow") I have 3 screens. - Screen 1: Home - Screen 2: DeviceList - Screen 3: Device Detail
At "DeviceList", I have a table containing a list with the key "GroupID" for each record. When clicking on a record, it will move to "Device Detail" with the corresponding "GroupID".
When using URL Mappings, the endpoint I have set up can pass the value "GroupID". When running for real, through the "GroupID" indicated on the URL, I can move to the "Device Detail" that has the corresponding "GroupID".
However, when run (URL: http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/ordersp/devicedetail/0ts0001), the target screen does not go correctly. It shows the "DeviceList" screen.
How can I navigate to the "Device Detail" that has the "GroupID" corresponding to the endpoint on the URL?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Tien Dao - Its missing parameters preActivityName - DeviceInfoInit
preActivityParams - pass the parameters in json format which needs the value to be passed. Due to which its not going to Device Details screen.
In activity OpenDeviceDetail, add the above parameters in step 2. Can remove insHandle param its not required for this use case.
Thank you.

Nearshore FPT Japan
Thanks for your answer.
After applying your advice, I will announce you about my result.

Nearshore FPT Japan
Sorry to bother you, but I hope you can guide me to solve the above problem. If you need me to provide any information, please ask and I will provide additional information.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please confirm the following;
1. URL Mappings >> pyDefaults, check whether the URL alias has been created under Landing pages or not 2. In the URL alias, check whether the "Map path elements for URL generation" option has been enabled or not
Thank you

Nearshore FPT Japan
1. In pyDefaults, URL alias has been created under Other page
2. In the URL alias, "Map path elements for URL generation" option is checked