
Knowledge Experts
Last activity: 16 Jun 2023 9:43 EDT
Launch customer service interaction case via snapstart
We are looking for option to launch a CS interaction case via snapstart. The functional aspiration is to let the user continue from there to identify a contact & launch as many service cases per the need and operate without explicit login.
The attempts we made revealed the need for higher access roles and privileges for PegaCA classes but there were also some dependencies between the OOB data pages (read as: racing conditions between the data pages) and handling the parameters of each data page is a challenge and accounts for huge time for analysis + trials.
So, is there a easy way or any OOB wrapper activities which has all the initialization stuff to launch interaction portal via snapstart?
(In the past, we launched standalone service cases on snapstart but this time its a much bigger and richer case type "interaction")