
Last activity: 4 Sep 2017 4:46 EDT
An issue when I try to localize my Pega application
Hello. I have got an issue while I was localizing my application via the Localization Wizard tool.
The current version of Pega is 7.1.8.
My application has locales: English (basic) and Russian. And I have the 'RuleSetName_ru' rule set in my possession.
I would like to update my Russian translation. So, according to an instruction in the 'Pega Help', I downloaded a *.zip file, unpaked it, got a TextToTranslate.xml file, update some fields, packed it back to a zip with the same name and upload to the application. At least, I have got no new translations.
It seems from my perspective, that the application doesn't accept the updated file. What I can do wrong?
The full description with screenshots: