Issue with OOTB IsFutureorTodaysDate edit validate rule
Hi team,
I have a requirement to set control on a Date property (like a target date for the request to be resolved) to be restricted to enter a date in the past for the initial submission form and the IsFutureorTodaysDate edit validate rule is working okay. The issue that I am facing is that this date property is referenced later in the workflow UI sections for the different assignments and the assignments get stuck when the Date property chosen in the initial form is reached but actually the request is not resolved. The same error is displayed as if you chose a date in the past in the initial form.
Can you advise for another option that can be applied to restrict the selection of the target date to be in the future and not prevent the flow from processing if this date passes and the case is still in progress?
Thanks in advance,
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****