
Truviq Systems
Last activity: 30 Mar 2016 0:56 EDT
Internationalization and localization of Email Correspondences
Can anyone please help me to know how do we Internationalization and localization of Email Correspondences.
We have requirement to Internationalization email templates which are stored as correspondences in code.
Rather than creating language-specific correspondences, Can we have option to localize all the Correspondences altogether using wizard.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
---- Chaitanya
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Pegasystems Inc.
We have localization wizard that can support this.

Truviq Systems
I agree with Santanu,
But the localization wizard says the below and refer to localized rule types.
I didnt found Correspondence ruletype in it.
The wizard begins the localization process by identifying field values and text strings used in your application ruleset user interface rules. Text includes labels, captions, ToolTips, and instructions that appear in user-facing rules such as harness, section, flow action, list view, summary view, message, or portal. HTML text used in HTML paragraphs, correspondence and correspondence fragment rules is also identified.
Thanks for sharing thoughts.

Pegasystems Inc.
That is weird. Because localization wizard does give the option to translate the correspondence. Refer the "Wizards" section under this article :
Just to be sure about it, I created a correspondance rule on my local 719 environment and ran localization wizard. The exported excel does contain the corresondance rule option : Refer screenshot.
However it shows " External Translations" under the Translation column. Basically . some translations are completed in files outside the spreadsheet. In these cases, click on the "External Translation" link in the excel sheet. This will open a folder containing two files. One file is "Base.txt" and contains the base translation for the file. This file should not be modified. It is included so the translator can check the original text as needed. The other file is "Translation.txt" and this is where the translation should be made.

Truviq Systems
Thanks Santanu.
Like sections and FA's do we have any localize check-box for Correspondences?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Pegasystems Inc.
No, we dont have localized checkbox.

Truviq Systems
When i am trying with wizard the other rules (sections, HTML etc) were observed that localized but correspondences are not.
How can i get the correspondence rules into the package. Does i have enable this feature somewhere else?

Pegasystems Inc.
Which version you are on . I am testing it on 7.1.9

Truviq Systems