
How to transfer an assignment from one user to another
I am using OOTB pyTransferAssignment (customized little but to use only transfer to operator, removed when rule pxIsNotInternalAssignment in security tab of flow action because flow action is not available as case wide action when it is already assigned to a user) as a case wide action.
When end user trying to transfer the assignment from workbasket to an user there is no issue but when end user try to transfer the same assignment to different user then it is creating a new assignment with name "Internal flow" assigned to new user selected.
Looks like OOTB pyTransferAssignment is not designed for transferring assignment from one user to another as I have to remove the when rule in security of flow action.
Please note when the user begin the assignment and try to transfer assignment (case wide action) then it is working as expected. Also user with developer access is able to do it successfully.
Can someone tell me what i did wrong