
AccentureServices Pvt ltd
Last activity: 7 May 2017 11:12 EDT
Change the Locking message while transferring the assignment from one user to another
Hi All,
We have a requirement to change the message of Lock when try to transfer the assignment which is already locked by some user already i.e "(Data-Portal)Cannot obtain a lock on instance A-B-C-WORK C-2, as Requestor HAFAA7A10B250F12ADBDE7D0665832C78 already has the lock" as user doesn't want to see the requestor session id rather operator name who locks this assignment.
Kindly suggest me the possible ways.thank you in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Narender,
I believe there is no option as such OOTB. I'm not exactly sure, but it may require extra querying to get the operator id based on the requestor session id.

Please keep in mind that if the requestor that has the lock is an SLA activity running in the SLA agent context, or other non-interactive contexts, there won't be an operator id, since it will merely be "system". Also, if the operator has more than one interactive login, you may want to know WHICH one has the lock.

AccentureServices Pvt ltd
Hi Ericosman,
Thank you for the information.I agree with you but my requirement is not to change this message everywhere but when user try to reassign the task to a different user worklist or WB using drag and drop functionality from dash board.

If user is trying to reassign the task and it can't open the task due to a lock, and the lock is owned by the SLA, then if you display the username instead of the requestor id, the username will display as "system" instead of an actual user on your system.
However, getting back to your original question of how to actually make the change, I suggest you trace the generation of the message you want to change. That will tell you which rules are involved, so you can see which are editable. /Eric

AccentureServices Pvt ltd
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your reply. I tried of tracing the message when it is forming but am not able to find it as it is happening when Obj-Open-By-Handle is executing which is happening in the back-end.So I didn't find anyway to modify that.

It's the error-handling after the obj-open-by-handle that will be of interest to you. Make sure all event types are enabled in the tracer. /Eric

AccentureServices Pvt ltd
Thank you Eric for reply.I got to know that "Database-LockFailure-LockHeldByAnother" this field message has been used here but am unable to change it's parameters in my case.

If you can't change the key of which field value is looked up for displaying the message, can you over-ride the actual field value definition so that when that field value is looked up, it will pick up your modified one?