
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 20 Feb 2020 15:57 EST
how to open Open Modal dialog when assignment is opened from workbasket
how to open Open Modal dialog when assignment is opened from workbasket.After 'open assignment', I have added local action with modal dialog under actions of 'pxrefobjectinsname' in the section. But it just opens the assignment, and its not executing the actions present under the open assignment
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Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
What Product version is it? Can you share a screen shot or two please.
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Wells Fargo
Hi, thank you for the reply. This is pega 8.3 version. I am sorry, unable to provide the screenshots.
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
Right, so you
1) have an assignment on a WorkBasket
2) click the assignment to open it
3) then you have what? A button calling a local action on a Modal?
4) And what? Nothing happens?
Sorry I didn't get it
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Wells Fargo
1) have an assignment on a WorkBasket
2) click the assignment to open it
3) Users wont click any button, if certain conditions are not met on workpage, then automatically pop up should get displayed upon opening the assignment.
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
A pop up or a modal? Saying what, thats sounds bizarre.
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Wells Fargo
its actual a pop up with some details on it. :)
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
So you will need an OnLoad event I guess to start your popup. did you do that?
Updated: 20 Feb 2020 15:55 EST

Wells Fargo
yes, I have done it like this.
1. double click the property- 'pxrefobjectinsname' in the section. Under actions - there is already 'open assignment' present, below that I have added the local action with modal dialog.
2. But it just opens the assignment, and not executing the local action present under the open assignment.