Can we transfer assignment from Modal Dialog?
I know we can transfer assignment from local action. For example, if we use OOTB pyTransferAssignment flow action as a local action, it works fine.
- Set pyTransferAssignment to the Assignment shape in a flow rule
- In runtime, select pyTransferAssignment from Actions menu
- Select destination operator ID
- Assignment is successfully transferred
My question is if it is possible to do the same from Modal dialog. Ideally I want to make my own flow action. For now, I just tried OOTB pyTransferAssignment, but nothing happens.
I know we can transfer assignment from local action. For example, if we use OOTB pyTransferAssignment flow action as a local action, it works fine.
- Set pyTransferAssignment to the Assignment shape in a flow rule
- In runtime, select pyTransferAssignment from Actions menu
- Select destination operator ID
- Assignment is successfully transferred
My question is if it is possible to do the same from Modal dialog. Ideally I want to make my own flow action. For now, I just tried OOTB pyTransferAssignment, but nothing happens.
- Set pyTransferAssingment flow action as a Modal Dialog
- In runtime, nothing happens..
Can someone please give a logical explanation why assignment is not transferred when we use Modal Dialog? What is the alternative approach to achieve this requirement?