
State of California - Franchise Tax Board
Last activity: 31 May 2023 14:42 EDT
Only one modal dialog can be opened at a time.
Hi all,
I got error message "Only one modal dialog can be opened at a time." when try to use Modal Dialog twice.
In first screen, I use Modal Dialog to upload the file by click Browser button and it's upload successfully. In the second screen, I use Modal Dialog again when click on Add Attachment button. The situation is the user want to upload more files after the first one upload successfully.
It show Modal Dialog to browse file, but when I click on Browse button, the error message is shown:
"Only one modal dialog can be opened at a time."
I tried to searching the solution in Pega Forum and try some solutions below but look like it's not work. 1. Change Target from Modal Dialog to Overlay 2. Add "Refresh-Other harness
Do you have any solution when I got this message?
Thank you for your time to see my question.