How to Launch Mesh up in new window
Initiating the pega process flow onclick of create case button in html page through pega mesh up.
The case is creating in the same window .Is it possible launch in new tab ? .
script function :-
function createwo(){
pega.web.api.doAction("CreateWOGadget", "createNewWork", "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "pyStartCase");
Gadget :-
<div data-pega-gadgetname ='CreateWOGadget' data-pega-isdeferloaded='true' data-pega-targettype="_popup" data-pega-popupoptions="height=200; width=400; toolbar=no; menubar=no;" data-pega-url ='http://XXXXXXXXXX/prweb/app/APP_0234/' data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName":"APP_1","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton"}' ></div>