How to get feedback from Modal Flows
We have the requirement to open a flow in a popup from a navigation rule.
Depending whether the user choose cancel or click on submit, the next actions event in the navigation rule needs to be skipped or executed.
In the Navigation rule there is the call order:
1. Open Modal Flow
2. (When submit in modal flow: open assignment)
When the modal flow got canceled the next step (open assignment) should be skipped.
My question. Is there a way to get the feedback from the modal flow (sub thread) which button has been clicked?
I can imagine working with a clipboard page (e.g. editable Data Page with scope requestor) could be a workaround, but I'm searching for a better way to get the feedback from a modal popup.
Can you please share your thoughts about this or if there is a better way to get the feedback from a modal popup?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****