Getting pop up while opening the assignment from workbasket
we are getting below OOTB alert message whenever trying to open a WO/case which is already opened, we need to get rid of it .
Is there any script to disable it ?
"Application :ABC
(I-9193) is already Open.
would you like to reopen the item and lose any unsaved changes?
Tried by doing pega.u.d.gDirtyOverride = false; still didnt worked.
Analysis from where this popup comes
pega_desktop_docgadget.js has the function showConflictDialog which is triggered when opening a workobject,assignment or wizard etc . The JS check for a conflict window using checkKeyConflict and if it finds one existing tab for the case you are trying to open, it shows the window using showConflictDialog function.
The html which comes in the pop up is from CompositePortalConflict. Now since all these rules are final rules im not able to do changes please let me know is there any other way to do change.