
SoftServe, Inc.
Last activity: 25 Sep 2018 5:01 EDT
Formatting issues when generating a PDF using the PDF Generation Smart Shape
Hello. We have a situation where we need to generate a PDF at the tail end of our Case. The PDF needs to contain the UI Sections of the UI pages that the user went through to fill in their data. Literally we want the PDF to look like the UI page with the customers data in it. Generating the PDF is easy enough using the PDF Generation smart shape, however, the output of the PDF looks horrible. NONE of the layout, style, spacing, or formatting that is on the UI is maintained when the PDF is generated. The PDF looks really bad.
Can anyone help me out in explaining to me how to have the PDF Generation Smart Shape maintain the Skin or CSS that is used on the UI when generating the PDF??
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***