Facing problem while we are installing Customer Service for FS
We are upgrading from Pega 6.2 SP2 to Pega 7.2.2 and this is done successfully.
We are also upgrading CPM 6.2 to CPM 7.2.2. To do this we have installed PegaCRM_722.jar and this part also done successfully.
After the upgradation, we are now alligning the ruleset stack and found out PegaCARD ruleset not upgrdaed. Thats why we are installing PegaCSFS_722.jar. PegaCARD is already integraded with Pega Customer Service for Financial Services(PegaCSFS). Before installing PegaCSFS_722.jar, we have installed PegaSCM_721.jar and this step done successfully.
Now we are installing PegaCSFS_722.jar and facing problem. In the log we found following exception...
2017-07-18 13:18:28,415 [l-threads-266991530)] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ AppXXX:02.01.01] (ga_importexport_pximportexport) ERROR islar25 - ImportArchive: Encountered the following error: A problem occurred. A problem occurred.
From: (B64B414D82C43FFB568CD944C7C10FBB6)
at com.pega.pegarules.deploy.internal.loaders.SaverLoader.importContents(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Encountered class PegaFS-SCM-Work-Research with a null definition
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated Categories & SR details***