
Verizon Wireless
Last activity: 18 Apr 2018 11:18 EDT
Customer Service Language Packs
Does pega provide customer service specific language packs ?
I see there is a message on the pdn but not sure if they have one or not. Let me know if anyone installed
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to tag SR details***
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Pegasystems Inc.
The Product Overview for the latest version of Pega Customer Service indicates that there are Language Packs for some languages for that product. You can review the "Localization / Language Packs" section of that document for more information.
Hope this helps!

Verizon Wireless
Hey Kurt -
Thanks for your response. As per the documentation "Language packs are available for Pega Customer Service in Italian, French, Japanese, German, Spanish and Portuguese".
But I have raised an SR-B86645 to install to the same on cloud environment. But they are having a difficulty or some problem to find out, so they told me to check here in the community. I feel that SR should have been assigned to some particular team and I am not receiving correct response.
Could you please help me if possible.

Pegasystems Inc.
HI Ram,
I checked SR-B86645. It requested for Customer Service Language Packs (Spanish, Italian, French and German) to be installed on dt4,dt5. This needs to be done by the Pega Cloud support team.
This SR-B86645 is currently owned by Manjunath Doruboyina from Cloud support team. They will do the installation for you if there is a need.
Besides, Pega also offers a ‘Localization’ wizard capability to enable customers to localize Pega-based applications, including custom fields and screens quickly and easily, and in any language.
Pega Localization wizard is used to make an application available in additional languages. The localization process overrides text in user-visible field value rules that appear in application elements such as user forms and portal displays. The wizard automates many of the steps necessary to create language-specific rulesets.
Please check below pdn link:
HI Ram,
I checked SR-B86645. It requested for Customer Service Language Packs (Spanish, Italian, French and German) to be installed on dt4,dt5. This needs to be done by the Pega Cloud support team.
This SR-B86645 is currently owned by Manjunath Doruboyina from Cloud support team. They will do the installation for you if there is a need.
Besides, Pega also offers a ‘Localization’ wizard capability to enable customers to localize Pega-based applications, including custom fields and screens quickly and easily, and in any language.
Pega Localization wizard is used to make an application available in additional languages. The localization process overrides text in user-visible field value rules that appear in application elements such as user forms and portal displays. The wizard automates many of the steps necessary to create language-specific rulesets.
Please check below pdn link:
The localization wizard is located in Designer Studio >User Interface > Localization Tools > Translate to New Language. You can do a translation for your personal rules from English to other language (eg. Spanish). The generated zip file ( was downloaded in 'Downloads' folder. Later, you can import generated zip file (Spanish version) to somewhere for Spanish speakers to use.

Verizon Wireless
Thank You Susan :)

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ram,
I have also added a note on SR-B86645 for the owner, Manjunath. He will check this site (community post) and get needed information.

Verizon Wireless
I have received the latest 7.22 language packs , but I have posted my questions on the pre-requisites to the product team and waiting for answer

Verizon Wireless
I have installed all the hotfixes, but the problem is how to configure (Rulesets) ??
how to plugin the localization rule sets in the current application to use

Cognizant Technology Solutions India Ltd.
You don't have to plugin the rulesets. According to your browser locale the appropritae ruleset will be picked to your ruleset track. Please make sure your ruleset and Nl ruleset have the same name with suffix _xx. e.g.

Verizon Wireless
It is based on the operator locale not on the browser locale