
Lantiqx Systems India Private Limited
Last activity: 1 Nov 2024 8:07 EDT
Error while using Pega Knowledge Buddy Gadget (Constellation - Community Edition)
I was successfully able to add the Pega Knowledge buddy component into my application on community edition instance.
Added the Knowledge buddy widget in one of the landing pages. Widget is visible on UI but when we ask a question it is throwing an error. Seems some issue with the OAuth client creation.
I have done all the required configurations after importing the component like updating DSS, Authentication profile and app studio configurations.
Error on UI: An internal error occurred while fetching the results using data view. Please contact administrator.
Error in tracer: D_KnowledgeBuddy_Query : Access token endpoint invocation failed : {ErrorMessage=Response status : 401 , statuscode=401}
Logs: Unable to obtain access token for client details in authentication profile configured for connector. Please check the logs for more details.
Please do let me know if I have missed any other configurations to be done.
I have attached all the screenshots in the document.
Thanks in advance