
Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 13 Aug 2019 8:33 EDT
To do or not to do cache clear and node restart after Code deployment
Hi Team,
We’re a bit confused about the necessity of clearing various rule/assembly cache (disk/DB) after deployment in production. Can you please help us with the following scenarios?
Scenario 1: We deploy couple of minor application defect fixes in production environment.
1. Do we need to clear any of PRPC cache (memory/disk/DB)? If yes – in what particular scenario?
2. Do we even need to restart the production nodes? If yes – in what particular scenario?
Scenario 2: We deploy a major Release in production (changes done over 5+ sprints)
1. Do we need to clear any of PRPC cache (memory/disk/DB)? If yes – in what particular scenario?
2. Do we even need to restart the production nodes? If yes – in what particular scenario?
If there is guidebook that contains the do and don't for code deployment in production environment, please share.