Is there anyway to clear the cache without restarting the server?
Recently, we're facing the server cache problem from time to time.
Before, the Product/Product Patch take efforts soon after imported into our production server. But, recently, we may need to either delete the assembly cache from SMA one by one, or have to recreate the Temp folder in PegaTemp and restart the server.
Since there're dozens of rule cache need to be cleared, it's gonna take a bit efforts for us; on the other hand, restart the server will cause system down for couple of minutes.
So, we really need a way to clear the cache quickly and without restarting the server.
Appreciate a lot if there's any idea.
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What is your prpc version and db type ?
If you are on Pega 7.1.6,7 or 8, try setting local configuration "systempulse/scanoffsetms" to either 30000 or 60000 and see if that resolves it. /Eric

Hi Eric,
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
We're using PRPC version 6.1 SP2, and DB2 9.7.
Does the "systempulse/scanoffsetms" works for version 6.1 either?

No, that systempulse suggestion was Pega versions 7.1.6 through 8, and only applies to the vtable feature that didn't exist back in 6.1sp2. For 6.1sp2, please look at your hot fix inventory and make sure you have these hot fixes fully installed:
Thanks. /Eric
Hello Gavin,
To follow up on Eric's suggestion, you should not be clearing the cache as a standard operating procedure. If you experience a specific issue in the product, you should probably be working with GCS to get the problem fixed. GCS may suggest clearing the cache as part of ensuring you're in a known good state (probably after installing an HFix), but it should not be the solution, since at best it hides the symptoms of whatever defect you're having problems with.

Hi Mike,
Thanks very much for reminding.
We're considering of create a SR to ask support from GSC; but honestly, we also afraid the the GSC probably will ask us to clear the cache every time after importing the package, although we really think that clear cache should not be the standard procedure.

Hey Gavin,
I've been in GCS for a long time and I can tell you that clearing the cache should NOT be standard procedure for an import. Possibly for installing cache related HFixes, but that's about it. If someone in GCS gives you that as the final solution to your problem, you should press them for a root cause and clear explanation for why/when you should be following those steps. If you're not happy with their answer, you can always send them to me. :-) If you are missing any of the caching HFixes Eric mentioned, then definitely enter an SR to get them. Running the system with known cache problems is a good way to get yourself into a state where you might be temped to clear the cache. Far better just not to run into the problems in the first place.
Good luck!

Hi Eric,
Appreciate a lot for your kindly reply.
After checking with the scan result of hotfix, we found that both hfix-3018 and hfix-3406 were superseded, and hfix-4653 was not installed.
Should we contact GCS to have those hotfixes installed?
Thanks a gain.

Yes, I suggest you request that hot fix in a new SR and dump this conversation into the SR. Put the SR number back here in the conversation. Thanks. /Eric

Hi Eric,
Could you please let me know what this DSS, "Systempulse/Scanoffsetms" exactly used for? and also I could not find the code where this DSS is used could you please help me with this as well. We are currently on 7.1.8
Hi Gavin Xu,
Please check out the static assembler in the system menu.
Running the assembler for the newer application deployed into the system might handle your concern of restarting the system on every deployment.
From back in June 2015, my attempts to raise this question, and get the cache-clearing fully documented once and for all:
Hi Jon,
Thanks for help.
Actually, we also found the articles you posted here.
Unfortunately, what we need is a solution to enable new imported rules without server restart.
So, the post you provided probably is not the best solution.
Thanks anyway.
You also want to revalidate your rules to get them to ensure that they are resaved - Validating Your Rules