
Coforge DPA UK Ltd.
Last activity: 26 Apr 2021 12:49 EDT
Decision data import shows incorrect modifications count
I'm using pega 7.2 version. Exported the proposition data to CSV file and making changes to a single row or a few rows. Irrespective of any changes, the following import shows all the records as modified. It is observed whatever change is introduced after export, boolean values true, false are converting to capital letters automatically on saving the sheet i.e. to TRUE, FALSE respectively.
We are looking for the below solution:
1. It shouldn't change any data to lower/upper or any format change. Only the modified rows should be considered as modified
2. Though we are using only a very few fields in our proposition form, during export it is exporting all unnecessary fields. How can we control to export only the fields that are in the proposition form (i.e.pyEditElement section)
3.Can we maintain a single common excel sheet that should contain all the fields from all issue/groups but while importing it should import the values of corresponding fields of that particular issue/group?
Thank you in advance