
TPG Telecom
Last activity: 19 Dec 2017 18:27 EST
Incorrect event recorded and inorrect count
I have a event strategy having a sliding window of 4 days based on a date time stamp field passed in request payload.The window is behaving incorrectly.It emits all the events.(past events, more than 4 days in the past and even new ones).The version is 7.3
The scenarios is as follows :-
Create a event strategy having a sliding window of 4 days based on system time/click time(some property of event payload).All the vents irrespective of time are written to the database.
Also the count is incorrect.For example. If the event key is Customer Id 123.The counts written to DB for three events is :-
Payload 1:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
Payload 2:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
Payload 3:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
I have a event strategy having a sliding window of 4 days based on a date time stamp field passed in request payload.The window is behaving incorrectly.It emits all the events.(past events, more than 4 days in the past and even new ones).The version is 7.3
The scenarios is as follows :-
Create a event strategy having a sliding window of 4 days based on system time/click time(some property of event payload).All the vents irrespective of time are written to the database.
Also the count is incorrect.For example. If the event key is Customer Id 123.The counts written to DB for three events is :-
Payload 1:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
Payload 2:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
Payload 3:
Customer ID: 123
Clicked : Yes
PropositionName : XY
Result in DB
Customer Id PropositionName Count
123 XY 1
123 XY 2
123 XY 3
Expected Result
Customer Id PropositionName Count
123 XY 3
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated SR details; tagged SR parallel***