
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 16 Jan 2019 0:35 EST
CorrCreate is not working with wo attachment after 7.4 upgrade
Hi Everyone,
Request you to help with this, we are using OOTB "CorrCreate" activity for sending an email with "Original Email"(.eml) as an attachment (SendAllAttachments is true). After 7.4 upgrade, it is failing and going to "Fix Correspondence", however without attachment it is working fine(i.e when SendAllAttachments is not checked). The functionality is working fine in 7.1.9 with attachment.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Pegasystems Inc.
how is it failing? Do you have a stack on your logs?

Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services

Pegasystems Inc.
Function "pxGetFileAttachmentContent" is failing with an unspecified page or property. You may have to follow all that using a tracer to identify where the problem is originally coming from.

MacQuarie Group Ltd
Thanks for your reply, issue was happening as we modified the OOTB activity "pyGetAllAttachments" which is the data source for D_AttachmentList.
Issue was resolved by using the D_AttachmentList datapage as Editable mode after verifying that we are not modifying(Obj-save) the Link-Attachment instances in any of our activities on Data page context (which may cause inconsistent data when this data page is called).