
Atos Consulting
Last activity: 10 Nov 2016 8:02 EST
A case management approach to changing reference data
I have a reference data table (as a local source) "Exchange Rates" with two properties: a "Name of Currency" and a "Value in Euros". This reference table is used read-only across all cases in the incident management application that we are building.
If I want to change the exchange rate for - for example - the British pound, I can of course use the Record Editor, the tab "Records" in the data type rule. But I want a better user experience. I want to build a (smple) application where you can start three case types: (1) AddCurrency, (2) ChangeCurrency and (3) DeleteCurrency. This application effectively changes the contents of the entries in the reference table, so that my main case management application uses the new values.
Is it described somewhere how to do this? Effectively I want to update a database table with data that is incorporated in a case.
(the real case is a bit more complex in reality: if deals with a long list of emergency phone numbers and other data for which the table-structure in the Records tab of the Data Type is not convenient enough)