
Last activity: 22 Apr 2016 5:11 EDT
What is the best approach to fix inflight cases when a change in SLA is required ?
I have a flow that has only one assignment. This assignment has a SLA on it that is currently configured to run after X number of minutes when assignment is ready.
Please refere to attached SLA.png
As per changed business requirement, I now need to trigger this SLA based on a property value.
Please refer to attached SLA Property.png
Since inflight production cases do not have MyDateTimeProperty, I will need to read all the cases that are on this assignment (I can do a obj-browse on pyStatusWork since it is unique on current assignment) and calculate and update MyDateTimeProperty and save the case. Is this sufficient or do I need to do something else ? Not sure if I am missing something.
Any response / suggestion will be appreciated.