Can we launch a Flow rule without any workpage in Context?
We have a requirement, where we want to launch a flow rule without having any case or workpage context. Basically, we want to use the flow rule for running the decisioning logic that is available within the flow rule.
The question i have is :
1.) Is it possible to have a flow rule without any workpage or case associated? If yes, how is it created. Also let us know how you will launch that flow from an activity or from Desktop/mobile portal/harness.
2.)If a portal rule can be created without any workpage or case associated, is it recommended to have a flow like that? What are disadvantages or drawbacks if any.
3.) Will the flow rule be able to create any case without any issues.
4.) Will the flow rule persist any data in any table?
I personally think it is a bad idea to have a flow rule without a case type or work-type associated, since it defeats the whole case lifecycle concept. My understanding is flow rule should always be used within the context of a case type/work object.
Appreciate inputs/feedbacks from anyone on this.
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