Bulk Checkin to Withdraw Fails Due to Warnings
Some of our developers want to bulk checkin rules that they are withdrawing - cleaning up old code no longer in use. However, a lot of these rules have warnings on them that require fixing before checking in. Example: the warning about filling out the usage field under the History tab of the rule.
If the developer manually withdraws the rules one at a time they are allowed to withdraw without fixing the warnings. Bulk checkin, however, does not seem to ignore these warnings for withdrawn rules. I understand fixing these warnings if the rule is being checked in as Available. However for withdrawn rules it would be nice to ignore these warnings on bulk checkins.
We are running Pega 7.4. From the Pega perspective do people think this is how bulk checkin is supposed to work or not? Thanks in advance for the help.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to tag SR to post***