
Last activity: 18 Jun 2015 3:40 EDT
Removing the case form manager portal using Bulk Action "Withdraw Item"
Hi All,
In Case Manager portal, if i want remove case using bulk actions like, Withdraw item. its an OOTB Local Flowaction "pyWithdrawFromNav".
I'm using this bulk action "Withdraw Item" to removing the cases from the manager portal, my cases as well my work list and i need to change the status of the Case to "Reosve-WithDraw".
Here i'm unable to remove the cases from the manager portal by using this OOTB Local flowaction "pyWithdrawFromNav".
Can any one please help me out from this issues. Please refere blow content for understanding the issue.
I gone through this issue, In this flowaction of the post processing one activity is there i.e Work- • pyInvokeForceWithdraw .
and in side this activity one more activity is there i.e Work- • pxForceCaseClose . in this activity 8in the step:13 commit is there with some when condition is there . here When condition allways setting to False. this is the reason i'm unable to remove the case and change the status of the case .