
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 7:33 EDT
ExcelReader.jar package import - BULK Upload implementation
Hi Team,
Can we import ExcelReader.jar package ( java based PRPC utility to upload large excel files) into our application.
This is required for our BULK Excel Upload implementation.
Please find below for our Environment details:
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, that can be re-used into your app. Along with the java changes there are some pega side changes to be implemented. If you have access to any latest PUI application, you can follow the implemenatation guide for the full details.
I can't tell the ETA cause we are working on PUI 7.4 now and need to find some time to get this time. Need to talk to @Phil Monahan and @Karthikeyan Ramachandran
However @Babar Neeraj have the same requirement for one of their apps too. WIll try to allot some time today and provide you the jar file. Also there is a doc which has the technical implementation details of bulk upload. will share that should help you.
Please note the attached doc is not full it helps you to get to start with the utility

Pegasystems Inc.
What are you trying to accomplish? Is this a third party JAR that you're looking to import into Pega to gain access to its classes and methods to support bulk excel uploading?
You can load external JAR files into Pega using the Application > Import utility. This loads them into the pr_engineclasses table, under the Customer codeset (version 06-01-01 by default)
Edit: I did further digging and this JAR appears to be a component of the Pega Underwriting for Insurance application. I am not aware of it being usable outside of the PUI context.

Sure Syl.
"I did further digging and this JAR appears to be a component of the Pega Underwriting for Insurance application. I am not aware of it being usable outside of the PUI context."
Could you please check about the feasibility to implement the same "outside of the PUI context" ?
Hi Team,
Could someone please confirm about the implementation of the following custom module based on excelreader.jar.
We are looking into the import function like this! This will be way cool and seems to be out of the box functionality for pega. (Excel processing code has been written in java and packaged in jar file with name “ExcelReader.jar”.
PFA for the Bulk Upload Utility for multiple excel files details in the above mentioned guide.
satsih chitturi

Pegasystems Inc.
This is Pega proprietary code and thus you cannot use it outside of Pega.

I havent mentioned about using the ExcelReader.jar code outside the Pega.Please go through my post again.

Pegasystems Inc.
To clarify, Pradeep is looking into using the ExcelReader.jar package in a Pega CRM / HCIF / CRM for Healthcare stack. However, this code is an external JAR component of the Pega Underwriting for Insurance (PUI) application and may still be unable to be retrofitted in this manner. Perhaps an enhancement request would be in order to broaden this component's use outside the specific pega application which currently utilizes it.
Tarun Sipani

Hi GCS team,
Any update please.We need a confirmation about the feasibility to implement the same.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey Pradeep- We own this code. We use Apache POI API to process large excel sheets using dynamic column mapping instead of static template based import. The is specific to PUI but the core java classes written to process excel sheet are generic.
Let me know your use case once so i can guide you using it properly.
On a side note we were actually planning to remove the PUI flavor from it and trying to make it a generic component and publish
Prasad Lagadapati

Our requirement is to make use of the features that comes up with the import of ExcelReader.jar (upload large excel files) in a Pega CRM / HCIF / CRM for Healthcare stack.
Can the code be retrofitted into our framework ?Please let us know if you need a SR to work about it.
Also let us know the ETA to publish the generic component.

Hi Prasad,
Could you please guide us with the process to retrofit the PUI code into our Pega CRM / HCIF / CRM for Healthcare stack.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, that can be re-used into your app. Along with the java changes there are some pega side changes to be implemented. If you have access to any latest PUI application, you can follow the implemenatation guide for the full details.
I can't tell the ETA cause we are working on PUI 7.4 now and need to find some time to get this time. Need to talk to @Phil Monahan and @Karthikeyan Ramachandran
However @Babar Neeraj have the same requirement for one of their apps too. WIll try to allot some time today and provide you the jar file. Also there is a doc which has the technical implementation details of bulk upload. will share that should help you.
Please note the attached doc is not full it helps you to get to start with the utility

Awesome.That would be great.Please share the jar file to my professional email ID.

Hi Prasad,
Could you please provide the ExcelReader.jar file.

Pegasystems Inc.
hey i cant find your email id and there are many pradeeps in outlook :) can you share your email id ?
Updated: 22 Dec 2017 7:52 EST

Hi Prasad,
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | removed personal information***

Hi Vidyaranjan,
Could you please let us know the procedure to receive the Jar file from Prasad.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Pradeep,
We have sent you a PDN Private Message to take this further. Please reply on the private message.

In addition,Could you please provide the ExcelReader.jar file.