
Last activity: 24 Feb 2016 14:36 EST
BIX question
I am new to BIX. I know BIX is a java tool that can extract data from BLOB (pzPVStream) and write data into specified format, such as XML, CSV etc.
In our application, we have work object of class "ACME-Work", whenever a work object is saved, we use database trigger (please note, this is not PRPC Rule-Declare-Trigger) to insert the BLOB from work table into an "AuditHistory" table.
We also have a class "AuditHistory-ACME-Work", which maps to this "AuditHistory" table; even though in the pzPVStream column, it contains the BLOB data of "ACEM-Work" work object.
The question is:
How to configure BIX, to make it extract data from pzPVStream of "AuditHistory" table, and knows that data in BLOB is of class "ACEM-Work", and generate output file correctly? Is it possible out-of-box? We are using PRPC 6.2 SP2